My first assumption is that you have a website. But even if you don’t this article will still help you. As an entertainment professional or business without a website you can no longer afford to stay hidden from the online world. Your smart competitors are all enhancing their online visibility and leaving you in the dust. So step one is buying a domain name that works (see article: picking a good domain name). Carefully choose a name that matches your brand (Entertainment Name or Business Name) and start a basic web site that includes relevant content and is updated often. Sites like Godaddy make it very easy to do all this for an extremely low price.
Now to the purpose of this article, Backlinks. There are many sites that allow entertainment professionals and businesses to create profiles and promote their brand. But I can’t tell you how many times people tell to me they don’t want another profile on another site. They limit their exposure and only want to manage a few select accounts. Well I am here to tell you that I think it is worth the effort to create many profiles on various sites in an effort to get as much search engine exposure as possible. I would also like to think it is worth creating links on these profiles to your website and social media accounts.
Take for instance free sites like Reverbnation, Model Mayhem, eTalentShowcase and Google+. I can’t believe how many artists overlook the value for creating a free profile on these sites. Within days your profile is indexed in google search and your visibility enhanced. Google+ may not be as active as you would like, but google search is aggressive in indexing and delivering Google+ activity within search results. Same goes for the other three mentioned sites. If you also make an effort to post and share your profile from these sites you will see even better search results from the cross pollination influence. I may be preaching to the choir, but if you are an aspiring talent you should have your profile up on as many free sites as possible so that you can include your social media links and website links. Models, Actors, Musicians, Comedians and Businesses should aspire to have their links show up on as many other sites as possible. It is one of the critical components of getting a better rank for your website.